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Jadan Vertical Knives

Hay Silage EquipWindrowers


Price effective
Available from
(available now)
45, Fishburn Street, Cowra, 2794, NSW
Photo 1. Jadan Vertical Knives
Photo 2. Jadan Vertical Knives
Jadan Vertical Knives
Jadan Vertical Knives

Make windrowing canola easy with our versatile and reliable vertical knives. Jadan Enterprises in Cowra, NSW have been helping farmers throughout Australia for well over two decades with their cropping requirements.

Designed and built to suit Australian conditions, our vertical knives can work day and night. If you want to increase your windrowing productivity and clean cut crops, choose Vertical Knives by Jadan Enterprises in Cowra.

Key Features of Vertical Knives

Minimal maintenance - only one moving part
Rotary action - minimal vibration
Easily retro fitted to any machine
Easily swapped from left to right side
Clean cut - gentle on the crops
Rotary action - centrifugal force self-cleans - knives don't choke
Increases Productivity of windrowing - less downtime due to blockages
Works fantastic in standing or down crops
To discuss how Vertical Knives can help make windrowing canola easier please give our staff a call on 1300 523 263 today.